Grace Fellowship is a Family of Churches: (Saskatoon | Warman | Edmonton)


Open to Opposition (Warman)

John 9:13-34 (Warman)

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Once I Was Blind (Saskatoon)

John 9:1-12 (Saskatoon)

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Spiritual Blindness

John 9:1-12 (Warman)

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Only One Way (Saskatoon)

Big Question 6: Jesus Exclusivity (Saskatoon)

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Inclusively Exclusive (Warman)

Big Question 6: Jesus Exclusivity (Warman)

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Suffering and Evil (Saskatoon)

Big Question 5: Suffering (Saskatoon)

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Why Does God Allow Suffering? (Warman)

Big Question 5: Suffering (Warman)

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Why Can’t Christians Agree? (Saskatoon)

Big Question 4: Denominations and Bible Interpretations (Saskatoon)

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Christian Unity in Diversity (Warman)

Big Question 4: Denominations and Bible Interpretations (Warman)

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How Do I Break Free from Sin? (Saskatoon)

Big Question 3: Sin and Repentance (Saskatoon)

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