Grace Fellowship is a Family of Churches: (Saskatoon | Warman | Edmonton)

You Build More Than You See

I saw this quote recently on John Piper’s blog.  It was a word of encouragement to him years ago from a young mother.  I hope the words will greatly encourage you.

Pastor John:

There is a principle here that applies to you and me: God takes small, imperfect things and builds them into a habitation for his glory. O, how we should take courage in our little spheres of influence! And is this not the message of Advent and Christmas?

What more appropriate word could God have said to Mary as Jesus was growing up: Take courage, young mother, you build more than you see. And so it is with every one of us. Nothing you do is a trifle if you do it in the name of God. He will shake heaven and earth to fill your labor with splendor. Take courage, you build more than you see.

Categories: Blog