Grace Fellowship is a Family of Churches: (Saskatoon | Warman | Edmonton)

This Week in Grace – Sept. 3 – 11

This Week in Grace …

The First Word

6 Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the roar of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, crying out,


For the Lord our God

the Almighty reigns.

7 Let us rejoice and exult

and give him the glory,

for the marriage of the Lamb has come,

and his Bride has made herself ready;

8 it was granted her to clothe herself

with fine linen, bright and pure”—

for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.

(Revelation 19:6-8 ESV)    Whatever you can think of as your greatest pleasure and it makes you want to hold onto it – the Bible says there is something better – something more delightful and completely enrapturing that we have yet to experience.  This amazing life of increasing joy in Jesus forever begins in fullness at the resurrection and the marriage supper of the Lamb.  We are called to make ourselves ready.  We do this by the Gospel response of acts of loving service that reflect the Lover of our soul and out of a heart motive that is satisfied in Jesus and seeks His glory.  May we be continually awakened to all Jesus is for us, so that we can image forth our appreciation and love for him in our lives of worship where we lay down our lives for others that they too might know him who is altogether lovely.

Upcoming Events

        •    U of S Outreach on Tuesday, Sept. 4 from 9:30 am. to 12:30 pm.  Please be in prayer for us as we meet and connect with students, many of whom will be new to Saskatoon, at the table that we have booked for the university orientation for first year students.  We hope  to bring awareness of Grace Fellowship and our Jesus-exalting, Gospel-centred vision.  If you are still interested in participating please just show up at the Education Gym at 9:30 am. or just pop in to say “hi” if you have the time.

         •        Pizza Lunch.  Our next pizza lunch at the Galaxy will be on Sunday, Sept. 9th, to celebrate (or console as the case may be) the return of students to university.

•       Lighthouse Bible study  Our next Bible study at the Lighthouse will be on Tuesday, Sept. 11.  Information can be    found  HERE.

  •       Porterbrook Bible Training on Saturday, September 15: Deadline for applications is Sept. 15.  Application forms can be found HERE.

•       Concert of Prayer on Sunday, September 16th.  We have booked  5:30 pm. to 6:45 pm. at Hope Fellowship’s              building where there is also a gym where kids can play.  This is a call for the entire church family to come together for prayer and fasting as we look in humble dependance to our God to glorify Himself in and through us in the months ahead.  This is shaping up to be an amazing time of worship, praise, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication by His grace and for His glory.

  •       C2C Cadre with Jeff Vandersteldt and Caesar Kalinowski in Edmonton on Thursday Oct. 4:

This is a one day event focused on missional communities.  I am going and would love to have as many join in as possible.  I do not yet know the cost as online registration info has not yet been posted.  I am planning to drive to Edmonton after the work day on Wed. Oct 3.  The training is during the day until around 3:30 pm.  We would then head back to Saskatoon that afternoon, so everyone can be home for work on Friday!  Thus, you would only need to take one day off of work, and it would be a great road trip, if we travelled together.  If you are interested please let Murray know.



  • We have enough volunteers for Grace Kids to begin the Gospel Project!  Thanks to all of you who have volunteered – clothing yourselves with fine linen – bright and pure – in preparation for that great Day!  Tentatively, we will start Sunday, Sept. 16.  A schedule will be posted on “grace on the city” website.  If there are any issues with the schedule, please let Murray know.  We will try to have a brief meeting following our pizza lunch for our Grace Kids volunteers in preparation for our “expansion”.   We still could use another 3 volunteers to round out the schedule, but we feel we have enough in place to at least kick start.



      •      Prayer Warriors:  There is a small group that meets for prayer in the upper corner of the theatre auditorium at 9:30 am. each Sunday morning.  We would love to have more join us.  We do not want to be a church that gives lip service to prayer, the Gospel, and the sovereignty of God.  We reveal we truly believe that God is sovereign, the Gospel is real, and that we treasure Jesus and HIs kingdom, when we pray in humble dependence for His will and glory and grace in and through us.  Apart from Him we can do nothing.  Unless the Lord builds the house, we labour in vain.

    •   Greeters:  We are also looking for people willing to serve as greeters to welcome people as they enter the theatre.   We   could also use a person or two to serve at the welcome table to give out gospel community group info etc.



  • Have you considered getting Gospel-centered Bible training at Porterbrook Saskatoon? Porterbrook is Grace Fellowship’s missional and theological training centre.  Furthermore Porterbrook is for everyone!  Plan on being part in 2012-2013!  The training begins Sept. 15th, so the deadline for applications is fast approaching.   For more information and to apply check out  Porterbrook Saskatoon


  • Have you been connecting with us, and believe God is calling you to be a part of Grace Fellowship.  Consider making it “official” and partnering with us.  You can find out more about partnering with us HERE.


  • This Sunday, we will finish our series in the Revelation of Jesus Christ.  I hope that God has used this study in life-changing ways for you.  I would encourage you to read through Revelation chapters 21-22 in preparation for our study.  Our new series in the Gospel according to Mark will begin on Sept. 16th – along with the Gospel Project for kids!


Gospel Community Group Life

This week’s message, The Marriage Supper of the Lamb from Revelation 19-20 is online. You can get the community group discussion questions in pdf there as well.

Not in a Community Group?  We have groups that meet in various places in the city.  To get plugged-in connect with us here.


The City Helps

(If you’re not on The City yet click here to get an invitation. You must enter “kiosk” as the user name and “jesussaves” as the password)

From the Blog


Social Stuff


The Last Word

[19:1] After this I heard what seemed to be the loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, crying out,


Salvation and glory and power belong to our God,

(Revelation 19:1 ESV)

Categories: Blog, This Week in Grace