This Week in Grace – Jan. 14-20, 2013
This Week in Grace …
The First Word
Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. (John 12:24 ESV)
Truly Jesus is the ultimate seed who became small and died, but through His death a great kingdom is resulting. May the reality of His grace extended to us be driven down deep into our hearts. May we learn what it is to follow Him that fruit may abound to His glory.
You can listen to this entire message on Mark 4:1-22 here: Four Responses to Jesus You can get the community group discussion questions in pdf there as well.
Grace Life
Thank you for your prayers this past Sunday to enable me to preach about the Jesus I love. I am feeling much better today. I just love my church family!
We are mourning along with our sister, Carrianne, who lost her husband, Dale, this past weekend. As her church family, we will be helping her put on a memorial service this Wednesday at 4:00 pm. at the Hope Fellowship Church’s building – 809 32nd St. W. here in Saskatoon. We are so thankful for our sister church freely providing us the use of their building. There will be a pot luck meal to follow immediately after the service.
Please keep all involved in your prayers. As we consider Tommy (aged 3) growing up without a dad, may the guys in our church family step into the gap, intentionally reaching out in ways that Jesus would have us love.
This week is also filled with Gospel community gatherings. Clay’s group and Jacques’ group will be meeting on Tuesday evening. I believe our new group in Rosetown area will also be gathering this Tuesday. I am overseeing Sammy’s group on Wednesdays while he is away. We are beginning a Matt Chandler dvd study in Philippians. On Thursday, my group will be gathering at our house at 7:00 pm. We definitely need to be preparing more couples and individuals to lead as the groups are getting big again and we want to keep reproducing.
We have a new intern for 2013 – Bo Mahlangu. If you have not yet met Bo and his wife Shannon, make sure to connect as you are able. God’s story in Bo’s life is truly amazing. I am thankful to have the privilege to pour into Bo as he steps into the internship process. I always feel that I am the one who is on the receiving end of being blessed, encouraged, and benefiting from these relationships.
Grace and peace,
Upcoming Events
• Set-up and Take-down – Sunday morning 8:30 am. The “out of towners” are on for this Sunday the 20th (Jacques and my group are on for the 27th).
• Prayer – Sunday mornings at 9:30 am. Join a number of us who gather at the Galaxy Theatre to pray for God’s purposes and fame each Sunday from 9:30 am until around 10:00 am. usually in theatre #6.
• Memorial Service for Dale Mcginnis – Wed. Jan. 16th – 4:00 pm at the Hope Fellowship Church Building ( 809 – 32nd St. W. Saskatoon) Pot luck meal to follow at 4:30 pm.
The Gospel Project for Grace Kids
- Volunteers needed: We have lost a couple of volunteers and will soon lose a few more for a time as some of them are pregnant! So we could use a few more volunteers to round out the schedule, but we are thankful to each of you who volunteer your time to minister to our families and guests in this way. In setting aside your own agenda to love others in this way, you are a picture of the Gospel.
- A Unit review for families can be found HERE (Unit 3) and HERE (Unit 4). Print off a copy to use with your child (ren) at home during the week.
Get Connected
- Have you been connecting with us, and believe God is calling you to be a part of Grace Fellowship. Consider making it “official” and partnering with us. You can find out more about partnering with us HERE.
Gospel Community Group Life
Not in a Community Group? We have groups that meet in various places in the city. Beginning in the new year we will have groups meeting on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. To get plugged-in connect with us here.
The City Helps
Make sure to update your profile on the city to help people get to know you. Include a picture (that is so helpful for everyone trying to match faces and names and family connections). Some of you have moved or have new phone numbers – please update those as well.
(If you’re not on The City yet click here to get an invitation. You must enter “kiosk” as the user name and “jesussaves” as the password)
From the Blog
Social Stuff
The Last Word
“To you it has been given the secret of the kingdom of God, but for those outside everything is in parables.” (Mark 4:11 ESV)