This Week in Grace – April 8-14, 2013
This Week in Grace …
The First Word
But she came and knelt before him, saying, “Lord, help me.” And he answered, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.” She said, “Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.” Then Jesus answered her, “O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire.” (Matt. 15:25-28a ESV)
What is it about this woman’s faith that makes it great in the eyes of Jesus? I will give some suggestions:
1) It is properly directed – she put her faith in the right object – Jesus, (she came to HIM; she fell at HIS feet; she cried out to HIM.)
2) It is a repentant faith – she turned from idols to the true and living God. (Just before the portion quoted above in Matt. it says she cried for mercy – which means she knows she is not entitled – she doesn’t deserve it (the opposite of pride)
3) It is a reverent faith – calling Him Lord.
4) It is a persistent faith – no barriers will prevent her from continuing to pursue Jesus – He is not just a Savior – He is the only Savior – Her only hope.
5) It is a humble faith – she puts her face in the dirt – accepts what He says about her unworthiness. She has desperate faith that cries to the God of Grace in humble worship.
One of the keys to humility – is self-forgetfulness –as we move towards Jesus and the wonder of Him being for us. Humilty is not thinking less about yourself – it is thinking about yourself less – because you are caught up in the wonder of Jesus who is more gracious and willing than you can imagine.
You can listen to the entire message on Begging for Crumbs here: Begging for CrumbsYou can get the community group discussion questions in pdf there as well. You can also watch this message on video. I guess this means I have to pay attention to what I wear. Do I need a make-up artist?
Grace Life
I have been reminded over and over again this past week why I love this church family. Thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and speaking the Gospel into my life. May we continue to make disciples of and for Jesus. To this end we want to be reaching out to others in love with a Gospel intentionality.
I so love you and I love being your pastor as we journey together striving to know and love and trust Jesus more and more.
Grace and peace,
Upcoming Events
• Set-up and Take-down – Sunday morning 8:15 am. Clay’s group is on for early morning set-up this Sunday, April 14th. We need only 2 individuals for set up and as much help as possible on take down. The out of town groups are on deck.
• Prayer – Sunday mornings at 9:30 am. Join a number of us who gather at the Galaxy Theatre to pray for God’s purposes and fame each Sunday from 9:30 am until around 9:55 am. usually in theatre #6.
• Gospel Community Leaders’ Huddle – Thursday, May 2nd Details will be posted on the city.
• C2C Cadre in Calgary – May 15-16th – Anyone want to join me?
• Men’s Night – Tuesday, May 21 Details TBA
• Ladies’ Night – Thursday, May 23rd Details TBA
• Family Camp out – Father’s Day weekend – June 14-16 (tentative)
The Gospel Project for Grace Kids
- Volunteers needed: It seems that each time we get one more volunteer, we lose another. We are looking for 3 more volunteers to have a full set of 3 in each group. We have enough leaders, so we just need helpers. More people equals more kids. If you would like to serve in this capacity, please let Murray know. In setting aside your own agenda to love others in this way, you are a picture of the Gospel.
- Greeters
- We could use a couple more people to rotate in as greeters for Sunday mornings. If this is something that you would be willing to participate in, please let Rob know, or search in groups on the city and ask for an invite into the “greeters” group.
Get Connected
- Have you been connecting with us, and believe God is calling you to be a part of Grace Fellowship. Consider making it “official” and partnering with us. You can find out more about partnering with us HERE.
Gospel Community Group Life
Not in a Community Group? We have groups that meet in various places in the city. Beginning in the new year we will have groups meeting on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. To get plugged-in connect with us here.
The City Helps
Make sure to update your profile on the city to help people get to know you. Include a picture (that is so helpful for everyone trying to match faces and names and family connections). Some of you have moved or have new phone numbers – please update those as well.
(If you’re not on The City yet click here to get an invitation. You must enter “kiosk” as the user name and “jesussaves” as the password)
From the Blog
Social Stuff
The Last Word
And they were astonished beyond measure, saying, “He has done all things well. He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.”
(Mark 7:37 ESV)