Memory Verse: Week of May 7th

Week of May 7th –
Luke 5:5
[5] And Simon answered, “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.” (ESV)
[Context: I think the key portion of the above verse to memorize is: “But at your word I will let down the nets.” In the context scene of this verse, Simon Peter and his brother, as well as their partners in their fishing business, had been fishing all night but have caught nothing. They exhausted and discouraged and cleaning their nets. Jesus, to teach them about who he is, and to invite them into partnership with him in a far greater mission of fishing, told them to go back out to deep water and cast their net one more time. Peter definitely does not feel like doing what Jesus said. I don’t think that he believes it will make a difference, but he has enough faith in Jesus to obey, even when he doesn’t feel like it, and even though he doesn’t think it will change anything. Oh, how we can learn from that! In their obedience, the fisherman, fill the nets to overflowing such that the boats start to sink. Jesus is showing us, that he is the one who saves. He has all power and authority, and he invites us to partner with him in making disciples in and through the gospel net. We can’t save anyone, but he can. Our call is simply to obey, and at his word, let down the net!]
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