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Memory Verse: Week of February 19th

Week of February 19th

Luke 2:10–11

[10] And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. [11] For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. (Luke 2:10–11  ESV)

[Context:   This line was declared by an angel of the Lord to a group of shepherds just outside of Bethlehem just over 2000 years ago.   There is so much in this statement to encourage us.  God has come to us, not to condemn us, but that through Jesus, we might be saved!  The good news of the gospel produces great joy. First of all, because this joy-producing good news message is for all the people – even shepherds.  Shepherds were outcasts who were considered “unclean” and unwelcome.  But this welcoming message is delivered even to them – even to me.  “For unto you is born”- Jesus came for sinners like shepherds and for sinners like me and for you.  We were the reason he came.  We were the reason he came so low; leaving his heavenly throne and all the joys and glories of heaven – to be humbly born in the filth of a stable in a feeding trough.  And he would go lower yet. He was born as human with a real body – one that could suffer pain  – one that could be nailed to a cross – in order to live the life we couldn’t and die the death under the judgment of God that should have been us.  This is how far God would go in his love for us. This is how far God would go to keep his promise of a Savior.  The Lord himself would rescue and redeem us in an incredible act of self-sacrificing love. Let us behold him over and over again!  For unto you – is presented a Savior, who is Christ the Lord! ]

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