Grace Fellowship is a Family of Churches: (Saskatoon | Warman | Edmonton)

Gospel-Centered Training in Saskatoon

Looking for Gospel-centered, missional training? C2C Saskatchewan and Grace Fellowship of Saskatoon have partnered to provide training for the everyday gospel minister.

PORTERBROOK LEARNING: Porterbrook Learning is a basic theological training course suitable for all Christians. It is designed to be accessible and does not require any previous training or experience; yet it remains compelling and challenging even for the theologically trained.

There are four courses offered over this school term 2014-15. Students can enrol in one or all four courses. More information can be found on the brochure here: porterbrook-brochure, or by visiting:
The deadline for registering for our first class: Gospel Community is September 9th, 2014. An application form can be found on our webpage.

Equipping Christians for ministry in the local church and church planting,
Murray McLellan

Porterbrook Learning Saskatchewan

Categories: Blog, Porterbrook