Grace Fellowship is a Family of Churches: (Saskatoon | Warman | Edmonton)

This Week’s Q&A

This past Sunday, because we wanted time for prayer, we did not address the questions that came in by text.  For that reason, I will address them here in hopes that the questioners will be able to find an answer here.  It is always difficult to say everything about any given topic at any given time. Therefore every answer is always incomplete and there will always be much more that could be said, and  with much left unsaid.  Thankfully, as we journey together we can have ongoing dialog as we see to know our Lord Jesus Christ better and better and grow in appreciation of the Gospel of grace and in awe of the God who has reached down to us in love and in truth.

Here were the three questions that came in this Sunday, April 21.  You can link to the answers each in a separate blog.

1.  What does it look like to forgive?  Does it mean you forget?

2.  How can God expect us to love perfectly, when He knows we can’t?

3.  Jesus said, “Take up your cross.”  Is He saying how He will be murdered – on a cross?  If so, how did He know that?

Categories: Blog, Church